2023 Release – October 02

NEW! Pending request reminder

As a Vendor, with Channel Command enabled. You’ve received requests from your MSP partners to connect to your portal. We know everyone is busy and invitation requests can get lost in all the email you receive daily.

We want to be sure you’re connecting with your MSP partners; we will send you 3 reminders after the initial access request has been sent.

These reminders are simply there to ensure that you didn’t miss the request(s).

The reminders will be based on 7-days, 14-days, and 21-days from the original access request date. And will only send IF there is a request pending your acceptance.

NEW! Channel Command Embed Button

As a Vendor, with Channel Command enabled, you’ve only been able to send invitations to your MSP partners or wait until they have requested access.

Now you can embed a button directly on your public website, or partner intranet to have direct access to your Channel Command portal.

NEW! NaviStack built from approved reviews

As an MSP, you may have submitted a product review for your vendors’ products/services but haven’t had a chance to build your stack with NaviStack.

On the review if you’ve answered When did you last actively use this technology/service, as either Current User or 6-months / 2-years and the product doesn’t exist on your stack today. It will be added for you after approval of the review.

Don’t worry you can always remove the product from your stack if you don’t wish to have it listed.

IMPROVED! Product review questions

We spent some time reviewing the current review questions and have come up with a new set of questions that will provide more insight into how vendors and their products/solutions are doing.

If you’ve ever submitted a review in the past, be aware that you’ll be unable to edit those reviews. Only new reviews submitted after this release will be editable.

IMPROVED! Product review export

As a Vendor, who had partners review their products you’re able to export the results of the reviews to CSV (Comma Separated Values). The export as CSV button will only be available IF there are reviews available.

Previously when exporting you needed to select if you wanted to export all fields or specific fields. Now, the export will include all applicable detail for all reviews that exist on your products/services.

There are a few known quirks with the CSV export, especially when using Microsoft™ Excel:

  • ‚Äô may appear in place of an apostrophe. Example: I‚Äôve rather than I’ve
  • Answers of 1-10 and 11-25 will appear on the export as dates based on current year. Example: 10-Jan (1/10/2023)

IMPROVED! Edit product reviews

After you’ve submitted a product review, you’re able to edit the responses if there are any updates you wanted to make. This includes reviews that have been reviewed and approved.

After you’ve edited an approved review, it will appear in a state of Under Review. This gives the team a chance to review the updates to ensure that the product review submission guidelines are still being followed.

IMPROVED! Address search for industry calendars

When creating or editing an industry calendar event you’re required to provide an address for In-Person events, such as Conference, Regional Event, or Road Show.

Type in the address and we’ll show all best possible matches. Or click Use Entered Address if a best possible match isn’t found.

UPDATED! Additional files supported

We’ve added additional file support across the application. Which increases our supported files as follows:

  • Images: JPEG, JPG, PNG, GIF, SVG, WebP
  • Videos: MP4, MOV