How to add customer contracts

Customer contracts are distinct from your own contracts and require a subscription to NaviStack Customer Manager for management. Follow this guide to add and manage customer contracts effectively.

In this guide:

Accessing Customer Contracts

  1. From the side navigation click NaviStack > Manage Customers.
  2. Click the name of the customer from the list.
  3. Click Contact Management.

Step 1 – Choose your Vendor or Distributor

Contracts are associated with either a Vendor or a Distributor. Begin by selecting the contract provider.

Note: Customers have the flexibility to input provider and product names beyond those associated with specific service providers, unlike MSPs who use predefined lists.

  1. Click Add Contract.
  2. In the Vendor/Distributor field, search for the desired provider, or select Create if a match isn't found.
  3. Optionally, select the provider type (default is Vendor).
  4. Optionally, enter a custom name for the contract. If left blank, the provider's name will be used as the default.
  5. Click Next.

Step 2 – Enter Contract Information

At this stage, you can either enter the overall contract cost or add specific product details.


Option 1: Enter overall cost

If detailed information isn't available, you can start with the overall contract cost.

Enter the Overall Cost and click Save & Close. You can edit the contract later to add specific product details when they become available

Option 2: Add product specific contract details

Providing detailed contract information is essential, especially for activating notifications.

  1. In the Product field, search for and select the desired product, or select Create if not found.
  2. Repeat for each product associated with the contract.
  3. Click the pencil (Subscriptions_15-1) icon to set product-specific contract details.

Basic contract details

  1. Enter basic details about the contract:
    1. Contract Cost: Enter the overall contract cost for the product.
    2. Billing Every: Select the billing frequency.
    3. Expiration/Renewal Date: Enter the expiration/renewal date.
    4. Notice Period: Enter the number of days before expiration/renewal to extend the contract or adjust terms.
    5. Auto Renew: Optionally check if the contract auto-renews.
  2. Click Save.

Advanced contract details

  1. For more detailed information, click Click here for Advanced Options.
  2. Select the appropriate billing type details:
    1. Billing Type: Select the billing type. For Per or Usage Based, select the associated Per type.
    2. Amount Purchased: Enter if Per is selected.
    3. Unit Cost: Enter if Per is selected.
  3. Enter additional contract details:
    1. Currency: Default is USD. Additional currencies coming soon.
    2. Total Contract Cost: Enter the total cost.
    3. Billing Every: Select the billing frequency.
    4. Contract Term: Select the terms. If no agreement, select No Term.
  4. Set the contract dates:
    1. Start Date: Enter the start date.
    2. Expiration/Renewal Date: Enter the expiration/renewal date.
    3. Billing Date: Enter the billing date.
    4. Notice Period: Enter the number of days before expiration/renewal to extend the contract or adjust terms.
    5. Auto Renew: Optionally check if the contract auto-renews.
    6. Notes: Optionally enter notes.
  5. Optionally, change the category/subcategory set.
  6. Click Save once all available details have been entered.

Repeat these steps for each product associated with the contract. After adding all product details, click Next to proceed to Notification Settings, or click Save & Close to save your progress.

Step 3 – Configure Notification Settings

Notification settings are defined for each product, allowing customization for periods and recipients.

  1. Click the pencil icon at the end of the row to set the notification details.
  2. Toggle the notifications you'd like to enable.
  3. Enter the number of days before the expiration/renewal date or notice period for the notification. The value must be 1 or greater.
  4. Enter the email address for notification delivery.
  5. Click Save.

Repeat for each product you want to receive reminders about. Once completed, click Next to proceed to Contract Upload, or click Save & Close to save your progress.

Step 4 – Upload Contract Documents

You can either upload documents or add a link to an external source.

For individual product contracts.

Click the upload (Subscriptions_26) icon (if no uploads are available) or the paperclip (Subscriptions_27) icon (uploads available) at the end of the row to add contract documents or links.

For the Vendor/Distributor contract.

Scroll down below the products to upload documents for the overall contract.


Adding an external link

To include an external link, you must copy the full link path. Most external tools will have a Share option that will allow you to copy the link.

  1. Optionally, enter a business-friendly name in the Link Name
  2. In the External Contract Link field, enter the document link location.
  3. Click Add.
  4. Click the open (Subscriptions_12) icon to verify the link.
  5. Click the pencil (Subscriptions_15-1) icon to modify the link and click Save once edits are complete.
  6. Click the trashcan (Subscriptions_14) icon to remove the link.

Uploading a document

  1. Click browse from your device to select documents from your device.
  2. Optionally, edit the file display name by clicking the pencil (Subscriptions_15-1) icon.
  3. Click the trashcan (Subscriptions_14) icon to remove a document.
  4. Once all related materials are attached, click Save Contract.

Related materials:

Although the following guides are tailored for MSP contracts, the workflow is similar for managing customer contracts.