2023 Release – May 15

The Channel Program team remains focused and busy to bring you the features and functions you need to continue to manage the channel.

We hope you’re as excited about these as we are.

NEW! [Vendor] Channel Command File Management

The initial implementation of Channel Command allowed Vendors to add, pin, show, or hide content from the portal.

What was missing as the ability to edit or delete content that was posted in the portal. Well, we’re happy to announce that you can now add, edit, delete, pin, show, or hide content that was posted to your Channel Command portal.

NEW! [MSP] Saved Files

As a partner of a vendor, if you have access to their Channel Command portal you can brand vendor documentation for your use. This is great. But. Have you ever lost track of where the file was originally branded?

To avoid that from happening. When you’re viewing My Technology Stack, there is a new tab called Saved Documents, where you’ll see all documents that have been saved by all users in your organization for all vendors you’re connected.

NEW! Channel Command View More

The Channel Command portal is a great place to share, find and brand content. The carousels for each content type allow you to scroll through and see what is available. However, when there is a long list of items the carousels can become tedious to scroll through.

Which is why when you’re viewing a Channel Command portal there is a new View All button available for each content type (brandable content, vendor documentation, blogs, videos). Clicking this will take you to a page that will show a list of all content.

NEW! Channel Command Share Files

Have you ever found a document, blog, or video in a Channel Command portal you wanted to share but couldn’t? Well now you can.

All content can be shared with others. Users must be members of the Channel Program community and connected to the Channel Command portal you’re attempting to share the content with.

NEW! View Document

Whether a document has been posted by an individual to their profile, a company to the company profile, or in the Channel Command portal.

You’ll have the ability to click an Open button (profiles), or 3-dot menu > Open File to open the file in the browser before simply downloading it.

Be aware to take advantage you’ll need to ensure that your preferred browser settings allow for files to be opened in the browser. Not all file types will open it the browser and will download, this is a limitation of the files and lack of browser settings.

IMPROVED! Vendor Partner Management

The initial implementation of the Channel Engagement screen had a small presentation for managing your connected partners and pending access requests.

This was a great start, but it didn’t allow you to see invitations you have sent out. And let's be honest once the list of connected partners or pending requests got lengthy, it was tedious to scroll through a long list.

Well, we’ve updated the presentation.

Including separating the engagement metrics out from your partners and pending requests. On the My Channel tab you’ll be able to see all connected partners, and you’ll see all the pending requests, whether it be requests received or invitations sent.