Importing Customer Contracts using CSV

Adding contracts can be done in two ways:

  1. Manually: Add contracts one-by-one by following simple instructions.
  2. CSV Import: Import contracts via a CSV (comma-separated value) file.

Accessing Customer Contracts

  1. From the side navigation click NaviStack > Manage Customers.
  2. Click the name of the customer from the list.
  3. Click Contact Management.

In this guide:

Importing Contracts

If you have multiple contracts to add, importing via CSV is a time-saving option.

Important: Ensure your CSV file includes a header row with 19 columns. If the header row is missing, the first record will be ignored during upload.

Mandatory Fields: The only mandatory fields for import are the vendor name and product name. All other fields are optional. For detailed information on each field and acceptable data formats, refer to the Contract CSV Field Definitions

Download the CSV Template: You can download the template directly from the application.

  1. From the Vendor Contracts, click Import from CSV.
  2. To download a copy of the template click You can download our sample file here.
  3. Click browse your device.
  4. Locate and select your CSV file.
  5. Click Upload. Note: Do not close the browser tab or window during the upload, as this will cancel the import.
  6. Click Close to complete the process.

Troubleshooting CSV import

If you encounter an error after clicking Upload, review the error message for specific guidance. Common issues include.

Actual / Problem


Missing or invalid header

Ensure the first entry in the CSV contains the correct column names.

Page title or page captions (Apple Numbers)

In the Numbers application, uncheck Title and Options under Table options.

CSV separator is not a comma

The CSV file separator must be a comma.

Extra character after header or each record

Remove any unwanted characters from the file.

Blank records

Delete any blank records from the file.

After identifying and correcting the issue, update the file and try the upload again. If the problem persists, please contact support for further assistance.