NaviStack FAQs

Who has access to my NaviStack data?

At Channel Program, safeguarding the security and privacy of your data is paramount. Our terms and conditions provide comprehensive insight into how we handle and utilize the information you entrust to us.

  • We do not share your tech-stack data with any third parties or partners.
  • Your information remains accessible solely to you and your designated team.
  • Our internal team does not have access to your NaviStack data.
  • We take meticulous precautions to securely store your data, with limited internal access.
  • Our commitment is to ensure that MSPs can leverage this tool securely and effectively.

Should you have further inquiries regarding your data, please do not hesitate to reach out. We are more than willing to address any concerns you may have.

How will my NaviStack data be used?

Periodically, we release industry-specific insights derived from aggregated data, ensuring the anonymity of individual companies. These insights never disclose specific MSPs or the tools they employ.

Upon request, we may provide market research data to involved parties, based on products listed in NaviStack. This data excludes any identifiable information pertaining to MSPs. Furthermore, parties engaging in market research initiatives must sign NDAs.

In instances where the dataset is too limited and there is a risk of potentially identifying an MSP, the data will not be shared. 

Is NaviStack by user or organization?

NaviStack is designed for MSP organizations, serving as a collaborative platform for internal teams to catalog all tools and services utilized by the organization. This includes tools supporting both customer and internal user needs.

Who has access to manage my organizations NaviStack?

Currently, all users associated with your organization possess access to manage your stack, without limitations on whether they are designated administrators for your organization's Channel Program account.

Rest assured, we plan to implement user roles and permissions in the future, enabling you to dictate who should have editing privileges for NaviStack.