How to search or filter Channel Command

Channel Command offers versatile search and filtering options to help you quickly locate what you need.


You can initiate a search by entering keywords related to your query. The search encompasses document names, descriptions, and tags. To clear your search, simply click the 'X' in the search box.


Filters enhance your search experience by refining results based on specific criteria.

For Users:

Filtering is limited to tags associated with the content. 


  • To filter, utilize the "By Tags" filter, selecting the relevant tag(s), and click 'Apply'.
  • Clear the filter by clicking the 'X' in the filter box.

For Administrators:

Administrators have broader filtering capabilities.


  • Filtering options include tags and visibility settings.
  • To filter by tags, use the "By Tags" filter, select the desired tag(s), and click 'Apply'.
  • Additionally, administrators can filter by visibility status using the "By Visibility" filter. This allows them to display content visible to partners or currently hidden.
  • Clear filters by clicking the 'X' in the respective filter box.

Regardless of user type, the search functionality remains consistent, providing an efficient means to access relevant content across the platform.