How do I know who I am interacting as?

Upon registration, you start as a Channel Program user, representing yourself in interactions. When you're designated as an Administrator for a company account, your primary interaction shifts to representing the company. However, exceptions occur when submitting a product review, where you express personal opinions.

Navigating your company associations and switching between them involves two key steps:

How to know company association(s)

To determine which company you're representing or associated with, you can check in two places:

  1. Beneath your user avatar, where your primary company is displayed.Navigation_3
  2. At the top of the side navigation bar.

How to switch company to interact as

Switching companies is a feature accessible to users who hold administrative roles in two (2) or more company accounts.

If you qualify as an administrator for multiple company accounts, you'll notice a badge at the top of the side navigation indicating the number of accounts you manage.


To switch between companies:

  1. Click the chevron icon to expand the details.
  2. Select the radio button next to the desired company name.

Upon selection, the top of the navigation bar will reflect the name of the chosen company. Additionally, if you switch between an MSP company and a Vendor (or vice versa), both the top and side navigation will update to reflect the type of the selected company.