How do I edit my company contact information?

This is specific to Vendor company profiles only. All edits can only be completed a company profile admin.

Access Contact Information

  1. From the side navigation, click Company Profile.
  2. Click Contact Information.

How to update the channel manager

For the channel manager you can upload an image, set a name, email address, and phone number.

Upload a profile image

  1. Click on the logo under Contact Information.
  2. Browse to the location the profile picture is stored and select it.

Set the name, email, or phone number

  1. Click the pencil (Pencil) icon, next to detail that is currently unset or to be updated.
    1. Manager name
    2. Email
    3. Phone
  2. Make the edits you want.
  3. Click Update.

How to update company address

Addresses must be accurate and real – no fake addresses allowed.

When entering in the address it is validated, if no exact matches are found you will see No results found. If this happens confirm the details entered and try again.

If you still experiencing issues entering your company’s address, let us know we’re happy to help.

  1. From the side navigation, click Company Profile.
  2. Click Contact Information.
  3. Click the pencil (Pencil) icon, next to Company’s HQ.
  4. Click in the Enter company address
  5. Enter the street address. If the address is recognized after entering in the building number, street, and city, it will appear for selection.
  6. Select the address from the validation results.
  7. Click Update.

How to update website

  1. From the side navigation, click Company Profile.
  2. Click Channel Overview.
  3. Click the pencil (Pencil) icon, next to Website.
  4. Click in the Enter company website
  5. Enter the website.
  6. Click Update.