As a distributor, how do I update my company profile?

This is specific to Distributor company profiles only. All edits can only be completed a company profile admin.

Access company profile

From the side navigation click Company Profile.

How to update the company and handle

Both the company name and handle are set based on the information provided at the time of registration.

  1. Click the pencil icon, next to the company name or handle.
  2. Make the edits you’d like.
  3. Click Save.

How to update the company logo

  1. Click on the company initial
  2. Click Choose File.
  3. Browse to the location the image is stored and select it.

If you ever want to update the logo, follow the above steps. To remove the logo, click on the picture and click Remove Image.

How to update the banner image

Upload a banner to show off your company’s personality and brand.

  1. In the banner area, click the Edit Banner (PortalBanner_1) button.
  2. Click Choose File.
  3. Browse to the location the image is stored and select it.

If you ever want to update your banner, follow the above steps. To remove your banner, click on the picture and click Remove Image.