2023 Release – April 17

A lot of activity has been happening over here at Channel Program.

NEW! Event description

Ever submitted an event to Channel Program and wanted to provide a brief description of the event?

Well now when you add a new event you can enter a description. If you wish, you can update events already posted and add a description.

We have set this as an optional field, as we know some events don’t require a description.

NEW! Channel events email

As a registered Channel Program user, you’re now able to subscribe to our Channel Events Calendar.

This will be a weekly notification, which will be delivered to your inbox every Monday at 6AM Eastern. The email will identify the current featured event, events for the current week, and upcoming events scheduled in future weeks.

NEW! Event approval notification

Ever submitted an event to your profile on Channel Program and wondered now what?

Well, we have an answer to that question, and it is you’ll receive a notification email advising that your event has been reviewed and approved.

IMPROVED! Pending invitation reminder

As an MSP, you can be invited to your technology partners Channel Command (PRM) portal within Channel Program. We know everyone is busy and invitation requests can get lost in all the email you receive daily.

We want to be sure you’re connecting with your technology partners, we will send you 3 reminders after the initial invitation request has been sent. These reminders are simply there to ensure that you didn’t miss the invitation request(s).

Don’t worry you can always unsubscribe from being reminded that you have an invitation(s) awaiting your response.

CHANGED! Vendor category on My Technology Stack

As an MSP when you navigated to My Technology Stack you saw the list of vendors and noticed that their name was repeated twice – weird right!

Well rather than seeing the vendors handle below the company name, you’ll now see up to 3 subcategories that match the vendors areas of focus.

Coming soon, you’ll have the ability to search, filter, and/or sort on the subcategory on this detail.

FIXED! Images not loading properly

You reported it and we listened -- broken images, how embarrassing.

Whether it is a thumbnail image, a company logo, or a profile avatar, all images will refresh on load and display.

If you’re still experiencing issues with images showing as broken, please let us know.